What I'm Making in 2021 Instead of New Year's Resolutions

Happy New Year

Give yourself a pat on the back for making it out of 2020, phew!

planning for new year

You know the deal. Each time we ring in a new year, it's tradition to make new year's resolutions. It usually includes things like “lose weight" or “wake up earlier” or start that project you’ve been dreaming about for months now.

While those are all great, it can be a let down when you don’t hit that milestone or you fall off the wagon. It’s easy to beat yourself up and just give up, leaving that resolution on the “someday" shelf. Does this sound familiar? It sure does to me!

The reason why I’m not making any resolutions this year is because they feel so black and white. They don’t take into account human growth, which has ebbs and flows. It makes us believe that if we don’t do x, y, and z every single day, that somehow we’ve failed. And even worse, we start to believe that we are failures ourselves and that is just NOT TRUE.

Instead of resolutions, I’m setting intentions for this year. Now what's the difference between intentions and resolutions? They may have the same end goal, but the approach is very different. Resolutions are external focused - what to achieve, what to do, etc. They are actions that you either do or do not do. Intentions, on the other hand, are more internally focused. They come from within and align you from the inside out. And because of this, there is more room for grace and growth in your own timing. I am choosing intentions over resolutions because intentions will help me to become the person I want to be, rather than aiming for things I want to do. Instead of chasing goals, chase the best version of yourself!

With that said, here are my 3 intentions for 2021:

  1. Consume less and create more. This means being okay with experimenting, making mistakes and trying new things.

  2. Be present and give myself space. To dream, to be creative, and to process. This means I will choose to leave space in my calendar. That means I will NOT fill small gaps of time with social media or other content and instead, be okay with waiting in line or washing dishes WITHOUT noise.

  3. Invest in myself. This can look different for everyone, but for me this looks like educating myself with topics that are interesting to me. YOU should be your greatest investment because you are the most valuable thing you have!

If you’re wanting a way to put your best self forward this year, I highly recommend the Self Improvement Bundle which is filled with tons of incredible classes. This bundle is jam packed with topics like:

  • Entrepreneurship & Productivity

  • Personal Growth and Gaining Confidence

  • Money Mindset and Knowing Your Worth

  • Stress Management and Internal Healing

  • Self Care & Cultivating Healthy Habits

& so much more!

There are 75 classes total and the crazy part is the entire bundle is only $75.90! You can grab this amazing deal until this Saturday 1/9 so don’t wait long.

check out all the classes here

Okay that’s all from me. I’d love to hear your intentions for 2021 or if you have a word of the year, I’d love to hear that too! Hit reply and let me know. Happy new year friend!